The Leather Factory brings an exclusive collection of leather jackets that are an exact replica of the ones worn by your favorite celebrities. Here is a collection of the legend David Beckham black leather jacket that he often sports in different events. Flaunt this unique jacket in all its pomp and glory, just like the way Beckham does. The jacket features:
* 100% Genuine cow leather
* Slim fit style
* Front zipped closure which goes upto the collar
* Short, round collar with snap button closure
* Branded YKK zipper is used
* Two zipped chest pockets and two waistline pockets
* One interior pocket
* Zipper hem cuffs
* Black in color
* Polyester lining
* Premium quality stitching details for maximum durability
Check out the various designs and sizes available. The products are priced at its best. You can email us at or visit our website for more information. 20% Discount and Free Delivery.